Thursday, November 20, 2008

My final post

Now that our English course is coming near its end, and having reached the time when we have to write our final posts; I would like to share with you a little bit of what blogging has been like for me.
Owning a blog has been a truly bizarre yet interesting experience. If it was for me, I probably would have never created one in the first place, mainly because I used to be quite reluctant to the idea of pouring my thoughts on the web for everyone to read. Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I hate the concept of blogging or anything like that. In fact, I enjoy very much reading posts written by a number of different bloggers from around the world; I like the idea of getting to know different people and cultures through the way they write. The thing is I just didn’t see myself in that position.
This is why when we were told we had to create a blog for class I sighed and started working only half-heartedly. I thought to myself: “I’ll do it just for the class, but I definitely will not like it”, and got on with the assignment.
However, once I started creating the posts I found myself actually having fun. It had been a very long time since I last got a chance to express myself in English, and I have to say it was liberating. It just felt nice to write a little more conversationally than I was used to; to try to emulate somehow that style of writing I enjoyed reading so much, but still see myself in what I had just written. I actually think that the fact this blog is written in English has to do a lot with that. You see, most of the blogs I read are in English, no matter where its writers are from. The fact that English is nowadays so widespread has made it the preferred language for bloggers; which have taken it even further and added so many cultural references and made-up words to it that it has become a whole new dialect. Having read so many blogs gave me the chance to learn a bit more about this way of expression, and trying to apply it was fun and at the same time challenging.
Finally, I have to say that blogging was an overall very interesting experience for me, and I’m glad I got the chance to try it. Having said that, I think I probably won’t be blogging anymore, at least for now. It has been a nice experience without doubt, but I think I’m just not cut-out for it. I guess I’m more of a blog reader than a blog writer!