Thursday, October 23, 2008


For this assignment we were asked to criticize one of our classmate's blog, and after tumbling around them for a while I chose Valentina Contente's. I had only visited it once previously, but today I got the chance to read all of her posts. I don't regret doing so.

First, I must say I really like the way she writes, I think it's very entertaining and engaging. I particularly like the fact that she usually chooses to write about subjects I enjoy or feelings that I share, like her love for YouTube. I think that her blog's design is fun (I almost chose it myself), because despite the fact it has a dark background she adds different coloured posts, so it has a feeling of vibrancy. However, I think it would be nice if she added a list of her favourite links, so that people who visit her blog and had similar interests (like me!) could discover interesting sites that she enjoys visiting, and learn a bit more about her personality. I would also rearrange her blog's layout, as it would make it smoother to read and a bit more organized. But maybe that's just me.

Though I have enjoyed reading all of her posts I would have to say that my favourite one was "Shoes & Dreams", in which she spoke about The red model, a painting by Magritte she likes a lot. The reason I liked it so much is because I had to do a similar art project to the one she speaks of while I was in high school, and we had also just finished studying Magritte. This is why I could really identify with what she went through trying to make an artistic production on its basis. It was very interesting to read her thoughts on what the painting meant; I actually feel as if I know a bit more about her now, and it's nice to know that we have had some similar experiences back in school. A thought that crossed my mind after reading about how she tried to interpretate the surrealistic picture was "I've definitely been there!".

I recommend you to visit Valentina's blog, I think you'll really enjoy it!
Here's the URL:


Bárbara Rivera said...

Camila! Hi! I read the post you left on Valentina's blog. I wanted to say I really really liked your explanation about the reason why your blog's called "Laaaou". It reminded me of my high school friends that also made funny and weird variations of my nickname (barbi).
So, that answers the question why it is "Laaaou". But I have a new question: you said back in Ecuador they call you liked that, but what about here in Chile? Do you have a nickname here? I'm asking because I'm a big fan of calling people by their nicknames =)

Valentina said...

Hi Camila!! or should I say...Laaaou? hahahaha.
Sory it took me so long to answer you, is just that I only saw your post today...CUAC, I know. So first of all, thanks to you too for criticizing my blog. I agree with you that I should have added some more stuff to it...but I didn't know how!!!. I'll investigate more so I can add some interesting things.
Second, the answer to your question. I guess that the explanation for Laaou has a lot of sense, but I have to say that I was imagining something more extravagant. I actually thought that it had something to do with Hawai, but that's probably because the first time I read it I just saw Luau. Barbara is right though, it's really fun to call people by their nicknames, so I think we should invent a cool nickname for your chilean friends to call you for. I'll think about one...hehehe, I promise it won't be anything embarrasing...hehehehe....muajajajaja!!!!!!


C Hickerson said...

Great critique, Camila.

a quick correction we won´t cover in class:
I think that her blog's design is fun (I almost chose it myself), because despite *the fact that* it has a dark background she adds different coloured posts,